Nepodprt brskalnik
Spletni brskalnik, ki ga trenutno uporabljate, ni več podprt, zato funkcije tega spletnega mesta morda ne bodo delovale po pričakovanjih. Svetujemo vam, da posodobite na trenutno podprt brskalnik (kot je Chrome, Edge ali Firefox), da izboljšate svojo varnost, hitrost in splošno izkušnjo.
Ta opis je preveden iz angleščine - Originalni opis si lahko ogledate tukaj
Mackie-zgleduje design. 2 velik-sondiranje mikrofon preamps. 2 namenske instrument Inlays. Stereo Aux vrnitev na monitorju.
Št. izdelka: 4473
The 6306 is the first product in the new Tapco by Mackie® family, designed for live sound applications and an exceptional price/performance ratio. Its small size belies its many features, including 2 mic inputs, 2 instrument inputs, 2 stereo line inputs, 2 aux sends, a stereo aux return, tape in and out, and stereo control room and phones outputs in addition to the main outputs. The TAPCO 6306 is designed for rugged, 24-hours-a-day use. Its sturdy construction houses durable double-sided SMT-plated fiberglass circuit boards. Impact-resistant knobs are mounted so they �ride� just above the steel chassis, absorbing impact to minimize damage.