Nepodprt brskalnik
Spletni brskalnik, ki ga trenutno uporabljate, ni več podprt, zato funkcije tega spletnega mesta morda ne bodo delovale po pričakovanjih. Svetujemo vam, da posodobite na trenutno podprt brskalnik (kot je Chrome, Edge ali Firefox), da izboljšate svojo varnost, hitrost in splošno izkušnjo.
Ta opis je preveden iz angleščine - Originalni opis si lahko ogledate tukaj
Ibanez SA160 v črni barvi, za bojevniki, ki zahtevajo različne čutijo do svoje orožje, SA lahko meč izbire. SA je s oblikovane, udobno tewood, ampak s ploščatim nazaj
Št. izdelka: 11358
For the warriors who demand a different feel to their weapon, the SA can be the sword of choice. The SA has an S shaped, comfortable body, but with a flat back. The S-S-H pickup configuration with a classy, transparent finish is one face of the SA. These axes are versatile, beautiful and deadly.
The another side of SA is a H-H pickup configuration, solid finish and gorgeous new inlay which make these axes devastatingly exquisite.
Comfortable S shape, size and arched top with a standard flat back.
Combination of mahogany, SAT tremolo and true single and true humbucking tones offers incredible versatility.
� Mahogany body
� Medium frets
� SAT Pro II bridge
� AHS1 (S) neck pu
� AHS2 (S) mid pu
� AH1 (H) bridge pu
Neck Dimension
� Scale 648mm/25.5"
� Width at Nut 43mm
� Thickness at 1st 20.5mm
� Thickness at 12th 23mm
� Radius 400mmR