Nepodprt brskalnik
Spletni brskalnik, ki ga trenutno uporabljate, ni več podprt, zato funkcije tega spletnega mesta morda ne bodo delovale po pričakovanjih. Svetujemo vam, da posodobite na trenutno podprt brskalnik (kot je Chrome, Edge ali Firefox), da izboljšate svojo varnost, hitrost in splošno izkušnjo.
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Sprejme tovor dol z novo DigiPack prevažajo Gigbag. Po Custom izdelane za Digi 002/Digi 002 Rack, prav tako deluje dobro za varno toting vsako 2U napravo in njene dodatki za studio, kažejo, ali kje drugje, boste morali iti.
Št. izdelka: 3019
DigiPack includes the kind of high-quality features you'd expect from any Digidesign product. Its spacious main compartment houses either of the 002 siblings or any other 2U-sized device - Pro Tools|HD interfaces, Focusrite units, 2U or smaller expansion chassis, DAT recorders, etc. Your laptop and accessories fit comfortably into the padded front pocket, which is secured with an internal Velcro� lid. And additional accessories - mics, cables, cell phones, etc. - fit into extra storage pockets on DigiPack's sides.
To provide extra protection for your valuable belongings, DigiPack's water-resistant, luggage-grade construction is of black ballistic nylon and durable foam padding. And an overlapping lid bearing a classy black Digidesign logo adds another layer of protection for the entire bag. A padded shoulder strap is included for comfort and ease of mobility.