Nepodprt brskalnik
Spletni brskalnik, ki ga trenutno uporabljate, ni več podprt, zato funkcije tega spletnega mesta morda ne bodo delovale po pričakovanjih. Svetujemo vam, da posodobite na trenutno podprt brskalnik (kot je Chrome, Edge ali Firefox), da izboljšate svojo varnost, hitrost in splošno izkušnjo.
Izdelek trenutno ni razpoložljiv za dostavo v vašo državo
Ključne funkcije
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Št. izdelka: 281818
The Nektar Pacer provides 10 programmable foot switch controls that are equipped with an RGB LED. It provides you with extensive programming options to suit your setup. In the basic state, a switch can send a MIDI message or change a relay state. However, the Pacer takes it to another level and allows you to send MIDI messages in a sequence of steps. You can use 1 switch to step through program change messages during a performance, while the other switches are free for FX control. Or you can start recording on your DAW, change program on your effects rack, and switch your amp channel all by pressing one button within the same preset.
The Nektar Pacer provides you with hands-free control for controlling your DAW. It offers all the essential track and transport controls including solo, mute, record arm and click. It also provides options for track and patch selection, and customised RGD LED colour feedback. The Nektor Pacer is compatible with Bitwig, Cubase, GarageBand, Logic, Nuendo, Reason, Reaper and Studio One.